How to Install Zookeeper on Windows 10 with Pictures

Install Zookeeper on Windows 10 :


Install JRE is mandatory because Zookeeper is written Java so we will need JDK as well.

Zookeeper installation:

Step 1: Download Zookeeper from apache official website:

Zookeeper Download

Step 2: Goto your Zookeeper config directory. For example my local driver like C:/zookeeper – 3.x.xx\conf

2.After that simply rename file “zoo_sample.cfg” to “zoo.cfg”

3.Open zoo.cfg in notepad++ for proper view compared to other notepads.

4.Then find & edit dataDir = /tmp/zookeeper to C:/zookeeper – 3.x.xx\data

5. In this step, we need to setup System Environment Variables  for Java-like ZOOKEEPER _HOME and specific PATH

A. Here we need to add in new system variable ZOOKEEPER_HOME = C:\zookeeper-3.x.xx\data

B. After that edit system variable named “Path” add; %ZOOKEEPER_HOME%\bin;

6. In case if you want to change the  Zookeeper port in zoo.cfg file  In Zookeeper default port is 2181.

7. The open new command prompt and run the zkserver

Summary: In the Windows 10 operating system Zookeeper installation is very simple by following the above steps. In this article, we will provide a simple installation of Zookeeper with pictures for Windows 10 users. Here first download the Zookeeper zip file from Apache Zookeeper official website. Then configure the Zookeeper configuration file with the proper directory then setup JAVA environment variables for Zookeeper Home for accessing anywhere from the command prompt, in case it is not set up we need to go Zookeeper path then only run the zk server so Zookeeper_ HOME setup is mandatory.

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