Most frequently asked HBase Interview Questions and Answers

1. When should you HBase and What are the Key components of HBase in Hadoop eco-system?

In Hadoop eco-system, HBase should be used in the big data application has a variable schema in data is stored in the form of collections the applications should be demand key-based access and retrieving data. Region Server is monitors the Region and HBase Master is responsible for monitoring the region server simply.
Zookeeper takes care of the coordination and configuration between the HBase Master component and the client. Catalog Tables are two catalog tables is ROOT and META.ROOT.

2. What are the different operational commands in HBase at a record level and table level?
One is Record level  – put, get, increment, scan and delete.
The second one is Table level – describing, list, drop disable and scan.

3. Explain the difference between RDBMS data model and HBase data mode in Big Data environment?

A. In Big Data environment RDBMS is a schema-based database model
B.HBase is a schemaless database model
C.RDBMS doesn’t have support for in-built partitioning in Data modeling
D.HBase there is automated partitioning in Data modeling

4. What is the difference between HBase and Hive in Hadoop?

HBase and Hive both are different Hadoop based technologies. Whereas Hive is Data summarization on top of Hadoop. HBase is a NoSQL key-value store that runs on top Hadoop

HBase supports 4 primary operations like put, get, scan and delete. whereas Hive helps for SQL to run MapReduce job.

5. What are different types of tombstone markers in HBase for deletion?
In HBase, three types of tombstone markers are there for deletion

A. Family Delete Marker B. Version Delete Marker C. Column Delete Marker.
6. Explain the process of row deletion in HBase on top of Hadoop?

In HBase, the deleted command is not actually deleted from the cells but rather the cells are made invisible by setting up a tombstone marker.

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