HBase error: KeepErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /hbase in Cluster

On top of Hadoop Cluster Installed HBase (one kind of NoSQL database within Hadoop) service for real-time random reads/random writes in aginst to sequential file accessing of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).

HBase used for better storage but we can’t use HBase to process data with some business logic for some other services like HIVE, Map-Reduce, PIG, andSQOOP, etc.

After Installed Spark server getting below error with HBase Snapshot from Hadoop cluster CLI

Below is the error in the HBase node:

at org.jruby.Ruby.runScript(Ruby.java:697)
at org.jruby.Ruby.runNormally(Ruby.java:597)
at org.jruby.Ruby.runFromMain(Ruby.java:446)
at org.jruby.Ruby.internalRun(Main.Ruby.java:258)
ERROR [ main] client.ConnectManager$HConnectionImplementation: Can't get connection to Zookeeeper: KEeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /hbase
Error: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /hbase
Here is some help for this command:
List all tables in hbase. Optional regualr expression paramete could be used to filter the output. Examples:

How to resolve the below error in HBase Master node?

Resolutions for KeeprErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /HBase in Cluster:

Above error code means HBase Master is not running on Hadoop cluster:

Resolution 1:

Step 1: First will check the HBase Master node is running or not by using "jps" commands.
Step 2: using "stop-all.sh" command to stop the all running services on Hadoop cluster
Step 3: using "start-all.sh" command to start all running services.
Step 4: using "jps" command to check the services if it showing HBase master working then fine otherwise will do below steps:
Step 5: Goto root user using "sudo su"
Step 6:  Goto hbase shell file path: "cd /usr/lib/habse-1.2.6-hadoop/bin/start-hbase.sh"
Step 7: Open the hbase shell using "hbase shell" command
Step 8: use "list" command.

Resolution 2:

It may cause Zookeeper issue while HBase Master node tries to get the list from Zookeeper then it fails.

Step 1: First check zookeeper service is running or not using "ps -ef | grep zookeeper"
Step 2: Using "sudo service zookeeper stop" command to stop the Zookeeper service in Haodop cluster and stop the HBase service as well.
Step 3: Then HBase xml file to increase the number of connection to Zookeeper services using"hbase.zookeeper,property.maxClientCnxns"
Step 4: start the zookeeper service first then start the HBase service.