Complete mapR Installation on Linux machine

After completion of Prerequisite set up will go through directly with MapR actual steps for Installation on Linux machine.

Actual steps for MapR installation:

Step 1:  fdisk -l

Powerful and popular command it is used for the list of disk partition tables.

Step 2: cat /etc/yum.repos.d/mapr_ecosystem.repo

Install/Update mapr eco system repo files

Step 3:  cat /etc/yum.repos.d/mapr_installer.repo

Install/Update mapr installer repo  files

Step 4:  cat /etc/yum

configuring yum repos

Step 5:cat /etc/yum.repos.d/mapr_core.repo

Install/Update mapr repo repo files

Step 6: yum clean all

Yum un necessary repos cleaned

Step 7: yum update

Yum update

Step 8: yum list | grep mapr

Check yum list files in mapr by using grep command

Step 9: rpm –import

Import mapr public key

Step 10: yum install mapr-cldb mapr-fileserver mapr-webserver mapr-resourcemanager mapr-nodemanager mapr-nfs mapr-gateway mapr-historyserver

Install mapr CLDB file server, Web server, Resource manager, node manager, nfs ,gateway and History server by using above single command.

Step 11: yum install mapr-zookeeper

Install MapR Zookeeper for configuration

Step 12:  ls -l /opt/mapr/roles

Check mapr roles

Step  13: rpm -qa | grep mapr

Step 14: id mapr

ID creation of mapr user

Step 15: hostname -i

Check Fully Qualified Domain Name

Step 16: /opt/mapr/server/ -N training -C -Z

Configure server with your ip

Step 17: cat /root/maprdisk.txt

Check disk files
Step 18: /opt/mapr/server/disksetup -F /root/maprdisk.txt

Disk setup in mapr disk.
Step 19: service mapr-zookeeper start

Start the MapR Zookeeper service

Step 20: service mapr-zookeeper status

Status of the MapR Zookeeper service

Step 21: service mapr-warden start

Start the MapR Warden service

Step 22: service mapr-warden status

Status of the MapR Warden service

Step 23: maprcli node cldbmaster

Step 24: maprcli license showid

Show your mapr license id

Step 25: https://<ipaddress>:8443

Open a web browser with your < IP address : 8443 > then will check it working or not

Step 26: hadoop fs -ls /

Check hadoop file list

Summary: Above steps are worked for Linux single node cluster for complete MapR Installation with the explanation each and every command.