[Updated]How Artificial Intelligence and BigData to fight Corona Virus in China | AI | BigData | Data Analytics | Covid-19

The coronavirus of 2019(COVID -19) is being solved with Artificial intelligence and BigData. Global researchers are partnering on scientific breakthroughs to rapidly deploy and test new vaccines, to determine hotspots of the disease growth, and to recommend strategies with the World Wide Health Organization (WHO) for the disease a place of isolation and prevention.

Since the December 2019 outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in China, I have been closely watching the news and listening to speeches about the deadly virus. There is panic everywhere with people wearing masks and other lockers in their houses all day to avoid contracting the virus. It is the most negative impact on the Chinese economy, not only China and other countries are also impacted.

A boy watches a robot at China Airport as Chinese tech companies start to deploy there wealth.

Artificial Intelligence and BigData to measure and prevent Coronavirus.

Predictive analytics and big data have become a powerful tool for combating deadly disease outbreaks such as Coronavirus its include SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory System) and MERS(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). Now some companies in China, upgrade the temperature detection system to include facial recognition technology and integrated body detection for the who have elevated body temperature. For example, if someone has a body temperature of 37.3 degrees Celsius(99Degrees F) or above, the system sets off an alert alarm.

One of the IT Company BlueDot is one AI startup that has developed intelligent systems that screen through data about people to determine the chance of disease occurrence. They found the latest technology using data analytics to map and prevent diseases. Natural Language Processing is another tool used by BlueDot to track diseases with the company being successful in detecting diseases around the world and use the information to assist them forecast disease outbreaks. Currently, BlueDot with the algorithms offering updated information about possible disease occurrences.

Insilico Medicine is another startup attentive to using analytics in disease prevention based on AI. That will inform doctors about molecules capable of fighting against the coronavirus. Insilico Medicine is fast and precise having recently analyzed molecules and provided feedback about molecules suited to counter the Covid – 19.

Currently Disinfecting robots,  thermal camera-equipped drones and advanced facial recognition related things into AI  software are being deployed in the flight against Coronavirus (Covid -19). Some of the automated technologies for contactless delivery, spraying disinfectants and performing basic diagnostic functions, in order to minimize the risk of cross-infection.

One of the Pudu Technology which usually makes robots for the catering industry has reportedly installed its machines in more than 50 hospitals around the world to help medical emergency.

Artificial Intelligence has been used to help diagnose the disease and accelerated the development of the vaccine. One of the biggest e-commerce tech giant, claims its new AI-powered diagnosis system can identify coronavirus infections with 97% accuracy.

Chinese people slowly return to work contempt the virus outbreak, mobile phones also emerged as a key tool to track the growth of the coronavirus. “Alipay Health Code” allocate individuals the color green, yellow, or red depending on whether they should be allowed into public spaces or quarantined (animal or human) at home. It uses big data to identify potential virus carriers, according to its developer. It has already been affected in more than 200 cities in China. Newly China launches Covid -19 “Close Contact” app for more information about Covid 19.

Geographic Information Systems Technology:

The GIS technology has become an important tool for stopping the spread of Covid 1- with one of the universities (John Hopkin University) leading the way this area. The university has a dashboard that shows all cases of Covid 19 around the world as seen from the diagram below:


Summary: The Coronavirues (COVID -19) originates from coronavirus family associated with MERS(the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) with the common cold. Some of the researchers say that COVID 19 originated from animals (Pangloina, Bats) to humans after which people infect each other. Common ings of coronavirus according to WHO: Respiratory based issues, High Fever, Cough, Breathing problems. In this article, we provided AI and Data Analytics to measure and prevent Coronavirus with Intelligence systems based on the Geographical location.

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