How to Become a Blockchain Developer : Skills | Roles & Responsibilities

Become a Blockchain Developer?

Nowadays Blockchain is one of the most emerging technology. Apart from that being the revolutionary technology in the present market. The information in its publicly available for everyone and each of the blocks of data is highly secured with multiple chains.

The Basic concepts of Blockchain are creating digital identities, tracking everything and monitoring supply chains. According to one of the social networking site (LinkedIn), Blockchain development is one of the most emerging jobs of 2018.

Blockchain developers are basically two types of developers:

1. Core Blockchain developers – To design architecture of Blockchain

2. Blockchain developers – Use the architecture and create applications

For both of the developers, we need some basic knowledge and became Blockchain developers.

Below skills are you should learn to become a Blockchain developer with simple concepts:

1. Data Structures:

This is a very basic concept to learn Blockchain. To the understanding of solid data structures concepts with algorithms because of Blockchain is quite complex to understanding and developing. Blocks are even secured and strong by Cryptographic techniques we need to Data structure concepts.

Mostly preferable concepts in Data structures are like LinkedList, binary trees, Mapping techniques, and graphs. As well as an upgrade one of best programming languages is Java, Python, C, and C++.


After completion of Data Structures, concepts will go with Cryptography for public key encryption and decryption for digital signatures.  Basic knowledge of RSA and ECDSA concepts with solid knowledge of Mathematics.


Blockchain developers need an idea on Networking concepts like peer to peer networks, routing, configurations, and topologies for a chain mechanism. For communication exchange information need to learn OSI model and Protocols is enough for Blockchain developing.

4.Distributes Systems:

The distributed system is an autonomous computer that is connected using the distribution environment for sharing resource data within a single network. It is for reliability and transparency in blockchain mechanism.

5.Smart Contracts:

Last but not least smart contracts are a major role in Blockchain developing. It is a program that runs on the blockchain once the transaction is done. Smart Contracts are unbiasedly enforced to increase blockchain capabilities.

Summary: Blockchain developers Roles and Responsibilities are to developing coding in C/C++ or any other programming language including web development with Cryptography and strong knowledge on Maths for tracing chains.

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