In this article, we will provide daily (day to day) using Hadoop Administration commands. These are most useful commands as an Admin.
Hadoop Daily using commands
Command 1 : Switch to root user
sudo -i sudo su -
Here once we logged in normal user then we need to switch to root user because as per admin level we need all permission access related
Command 2: Modify txt files / open log files
Here we need to see the log files or txt files.
vi name.log
Vi commands is daily to see the logs and insert some data to text files.
tail -100f name.log
To check error logs we can use this command
more name.log
To check any log/error logs and files as well
Command 3 : Find commands
To find the files in any directory or path
find / -name namenode.log
Command 4 : Process commands
ps -ef | grep Kafka
This command used for to check the Kafka process or any other services process id and running status of the services.
kill -9 1234
To kill the process id
Command 5 : History commands
To check previous putty/prompt commands, history of the commands in the ssh session
history | grep kafka
To check Kafka related previous commands
Command 6 : Disk space commands
df -hT
To check the all space related information
du -sh *
To check all each folder space information
Command 7 : Date commands
To check time stamp on node or hostname
Whether the host is up or not, we will use this command
Command 8 : Network commands
ping <hostname>
To check the whether the host is working or not
netstat -nlp
To check the network statistics
telnet <hostname> <port>
To check host and port is working or not
Command 9: List commands
ls -ltrh
To check all the information about the all files, date, size of the files
Juts it showing all files in the directory
Command 10 : System commands
uname -a
To check system information, whether linux or any other os and versions of OS
To check the CPU utilization and cores related information.