Launch AWS Instance

Here Free tier version of Amazon Web Services Instances in simple steps for beginners and how to connect machines and generate PEM files.

Step 1: Login AWS account click on AWS Management Console then give you credentials.

Step 2: Click on Launch Virtual Machine EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud).

Step3: Choose AMI step then go with Free tier version and click on Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type then clicks on Select button.

Step 4: Choose Instance Type here we selected General purpose and t2.micro (Available 1GB memory and 1 CPU core) and then directly select Review and the Launch button.

Note: If you don’t need a configuration of instances then directly go with Review and Launch of the machine in Dashboard.

Step5: Clicks on Configure Instance whether you need one or more instances and click on Next: Add storage steps.

Step6: Clicks on Add Storage. It acts like Hard Disk in the computer so choose the size of the machine.

Step 7:  Clicks on Add Tags otherwise no need to configured.

Step 8: Next Goto Configure Security Group for security purpose on the machines. It provides strong security to choose types like SSH or any other.

Step 9: After clicks on Review and  Launch button then directly will launch  AWS free tier version machines for beginners.

Step 10: Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair option then select a key pair will give a specific name for that pem file.

Step 11: Start the AWS Instance.

Step 12: After successfully launching machine go and check the status of the machine and click on Instance ID.

Step 13: After completing the above steps go to start Amazon Web Services Instances then connect with pem file. Here we must and should change pem file into ppf file from putty generator. Then start with putty and use it is simple.

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