How to setup Google Cloud Free Tier Account with Pictures

How to Create Google Cloud Free Tier Account

Step 1: To Open Google console page for registration. Login with Gmail account then click on “TRY FOR FREE” button. To get $300 free for 12 months.

Step 2: Here are two steps to verify the account. First, select the Country which located you are. Click on  I have read and agreed to the Google Cloud Platform Free Trial terms of services. After that click on “AGREE AND CONTINUE”.

Step 3: Then choose Account info and contact information. Fill with permanent address with Account details. Either debit card or credit card. Then click on Active account.

Step 4: After Activation with Free $300 account will get below the window. Welcome future for signing up for the 12-month free trial. Google we’ve given you $300in free trial credit to spend up to 1 year. Then click on “GOT IT”.

Step 5: Click on Compute Engine on top of Left corner in Google cloud page. Below Compute Engine will see VM instance, Instance groups, Disks, Snapshots, etc. components are there in GC page.

Step6: Click on VM instances Create option. If you have existing VM details then click on the Import option. If you want to quick start option then will get info about VM instances.

Create your own instance name, select Region, Zone.

Select CPU cores and choose which operating system you want then choose them.

Step 7: If you need firewall setting then choose HTTPS or HTTP. After that click on the Create button for instance creation.

Step8: Check with your VM instance details with Internal IP and External IP with SSH for communication. If you want VM instance “stop” or “delete” then choose options on top of VM.

Summary: Google Cloud Free tier version they provide $300 free account up to 12-months. Before that, we must give Debit card or Credit card details with CVV also. After that will get Google Cloud VM instances. For storage and processing. It is like Amazon AWS but here some of their properties are different compared to AWS VMs.

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