Hadoop Single Node Cluster Setup on Ubuntu

How to Install Hadoop Single Node Cluster on Ubuntu.

Step 1: Update the “System Software Repositories” using sudo apt-get update

The first step update the packages of Ubuntu

Step 2: JAVA 1.8 JRE INSTALLATION using the below command.

JAVA is prerequisite for Installation so first install JRE then will go with JDK

Step 3: JAVA 1.8 JDK INSTALL using below command

Step 4: How to check JAVA version on Linux using below command

Step 5: After that We must and should Install SSH(Secure Shell) using below command:

SSH for secure less communication in name node and secondary name node for frequently communication

Step 6: Check  SSH Installation using below command

After installation of SSH will check using ssh localhost command whether the communication is working or not.

Step 7: Download Hadoop-2.6.0 tarball from Apache Mirrors.

After completion of Hadoop prerequisites then download the Hadoop tarball

Step 8: Extract the tar ball using below command

Step 9: Update Environment variables and Path for HADOOP_HOME and JAVA_HOME:

Step 10: To check the Path variable is there or not after that edit the Configuration files as part of Hadoop Installation.


Step 11: First open “Core-site.xml” file, add the properties

Core-site file for Name node information

Step 12: Open “hdfs-site.xml” file and add the properties

Hdfs site xml file related to replication factor and data node information.

Step 13: Open “yarn-site.xml” file and add the properties to configure ‘Resource Manager’ & ‘Node Manage’ details:

Step 14: Update JAVA_HOME path in ‘ hadoop-env.sh’ file

Step 15:Update JAVA_HOME path in ‘ mapred-env.sh‘ file

Step 16: Open ‘mapred-site.xml‘ and update the yarn into that file

Step 17: Open slaves file and check whether the hostname is localhost or not

Step 18: Before starting the Name Node, we must and should format the name node using below command:

hadoop namenode -format

Step 19: To start all the daemons of Hadoop using below command:


Step 20: How to check daemons whether work or not using jps command

Step 21: After that all to access the Name Node information in GUI:
