IntelliJ IDEA : Failed to load JVM DLL

I’m trying to solve this error in Windows operating system. While launching the IntelliJ IDEA for developing the code some conflicts came into the picture.


Failed to load JVM DLL C:\Program Files\JeeBrains\Intellij IDEA Community Edition 2019.1.1\jre64\\bin\server\jvm.dll

If you already have a 64 -bit JDK installed, define a JAVA_HOME variable in

Computer > System Properties > System Settings > Environment Variables.

But correctly defined Java Path on Windows operating system.


Solution 1:

Set the JAVA_HOME path including jvm.dil path

Find below path in your local machine and copy that path into JAVA_HOME

Step1: Goto JDK path and copy the path up to jvm.dil

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\jre\bin\server

Step2: Set to JAVA_HOME in the environment variable


Step 3: Still, it’s not working simply remove the following below path in your System variable it may be caused to override of JAVA_HOME


Solution 2:

It may be sometimes a problem with Version compatibility so try to launch the 64-bit  version. Due to the 32-bit version problem on Windows 64 – bit version and create the shortcut of IDEA into your desktop.

Note: If still facing this type of issue then try to below solution.

Solution 3:

Step1: Download Latest version of JDK 1.8 and install it.

Step 2: Set the Path in user variables and JAVA_HOME in System variables with the full naming convention.

Step3: Download IntelliJ IDEA latest version with 64 – bit. And try to launch on Windows – 64-bit version

Above resolutions are almost solved your issue in IntelliJ IDEA on Windows operating system while installing of Jet Brains of IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse IDEs are in your local machine.

Summary: In the Windows operating system An Integrated Development Environment is a major role in developing areas. All most all IDEs based on Java supporters so need to install JDK. After installation of JDK then set the environmental variable for accessing anywhere in the system.

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