In this article, we will explain how to resolve the “Unable to advance iterator for node with id ‘0’ for Kudu table ‘impala::data_dim’: Network error” . Here we provided simple solution.
Complete Full ERROR:
ERROR: Unable to advance iterator for node with id ‘0’ for Kudu table ‘impala::data_dim’: Network error: recieving error from unknown peer: Transport endpoint is not connected (error 107)
[Cloudera][ImpalaJDBCDriver](500051) ERROR processing query/statement. Error Code: 0, SQL state: Unable to advance iterator for node with id ‘0’ for Kudu table ‘data_dim’: Not found: Scanner not found (it may have expired)
01:11:48.13022 821538] server connection from recv error: Network error: RPC frame had a length of xxxxxx, but we only support messages up to xxxx bytes long. 01:11:48.13024 821538] Shutting down server connection from with pending inbound data (4/xxxxxx bytes received, last active 0 ns ago, status=Network error: RPC frame had a length of xxxxxx, but we only support messages up to xxxx bytes long.) 01:11:48.13025 821538] server connection from recv error: Network error: RPC frame had a length of xxxxxx, but we only support messages up to xxxx bytes long. 01:11:48.13027 821538] Shutting down server connection from with pending inbound data (4/xxxxxx bytes received, last active 0 ns ago, status=Network error: RPC frame had a length of xxxxxx, but we only support messages up to xxxx bytes long.) 01:11:48.13029 821540] server connection from recv error: Network error
This error belongs to Kudu service unable to create table in the Big Data cluster.
Step 1 : We have restarted the Kudu service in the Cloudera manager
After that still getting the same error and we have modified some of the configuration in the Kudu services.
Step 2 : First login with Admin privileges in the Cloudera manger then check the Kudu service whether it’s running good or not.
Step 3 : If it’s running good, then try to change the below configurations:
I) Cloudera Manager –> Kudu –> Configuration –> Kudu Service Advanced Configuration Snippet and then add the below properties file in the configurations:
--unlock_experimental_flags --codegen_queue_capacity=200
Once changes has been done then restart the Kudu service in the Cloudera manager.
After restarted successfully then check the Kudu table query execute and monitor it for few more days. Whether Kudu service is stable or not.