How to Install Kakfa in Linux/Ubuntu (Single node cluster) with Pictures

Apache Kafka is one of the distributed messaging systems. Here is the step by step processing to install Apache Kafka in the Linux/Ubuntu operating system.


To install Kafka required Zookeeper and java to run. Mandatory for JDK 1.7 or above version for Kafka installation using below commands:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install default - jdk

Step 1: Download the Kafka binary files from official websites like Download from the apache website.

Step 2:  Extract the tarball using the below command:

$ tar -xzvf kafka_2.12.-

Step 3: After extraction, we see Kafka directory

Step 4: Update the KAFKA_HOME & PATH variable in bashrc file

 export KAFKA_HOME = /home/your_path/INSTALL/kafka_2.12-
 export PATH=$PATH:$KAFKA_HOME/bin

Step 5: Ater bashrc changes, open a new terminal and check the bashrc changes using below command:

$ echo $KAFKA_HOME

After installing Apache Kafka on Linux/Ubuntu Start Kafka Server. Before start, the Kafka server, start Zookeeper server on your single node cluster using below commands:

$ cd/usr/local/kafka
$ bin/ config/

After the start, the Zookeeper server then start the Kafka server

$ bin/ config/

After starting the Kafka server then create topics after that will go with the message passing from producer to consumer. Above steps Kafka installation for single/pseudo cluster setup on top of the Hadoop ecosystem.

Summary: Apache Kafka installation in Linux/Ubuntu operating system it is very simple and uses it. If you need installation in Clouder to need to download separately bundle in Cloudera manager to set up in multi-node cluster setup. Hortonworks needs the installation of Kafka in Ambari.


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