How to change Pychram background color from dark to white | Pychram | Python

Here, we will explain how to configure background color change in Pycharm IDE from dark mode to white or different color with simple steps.

To change Pycharm background color:

Step 1:  Open the Pychram IDE then  “File” option then click on “Settings” (Ctrl+Alt+S).
How to install Pychram IDE for Windows 10

Step 2: After that choose “Editor”option for the

Step 3: Click on Color Scheme and then select the “General”

Step 4: After that choose “Scheme” option for different background color.

Step 5: Select “Classic Light” option. If you want different mode options then select it. In this step you will select different color schemes as per your requirement.

Here we changed different type of schemes like “Classic Light”, “Darcula”, “Github”, “High contrast”, “IntelliJ Light”, “Twilight” and other options for user interface.

Step 6:After select that “Classic Light” option then click on “Ok” button then choose pop-up button then click on “Yes” option.

Step 7: Once it is done then change automatically like below snapshot.

In this article, explained how to change Pycharm background from Dark mode to Light mode for user interface. It is dependence upon user’s interface someone wants to dark mode and other mode. Basically, Pychram is used for Python developing professionals with different coding styles. It is an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) for professionals.

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