How to add Scala Plugin in STS (Eclipse IDE) on Ubuntu

Simple steps to add Scala Plugin in Eclipse IDE (STS) in Ubuntu 16.04

Step 1: First install Eclipse IDE (STS ) in your operating system.

Step 2: Launch the Eclipse IDE with proper directory to store the Spring or Java application on your machine.

Step 3:Goto “Help” option on top of your Eclipse IDE in the dashboard.

Step 4: Click on “Eclipse Market place”

Step 5: Search on the “Scala” keyword. For what do you want to add a plugin on our Eclipse IDE. Then we get like below snapshot

Step 6: Click on the “Install” icon for the complete installation of Scala IDE with the version on your IDE.

Step 7: In this step, it showing more options like Scala IDE for Eclipse etc, then take default option and click on the “Confirm” option.

Step 8: Here is showing Apache License then click on “I accept the terms of the license agreements”. After that click on the “Finish” button.

Step 9: After that Eclipse IDE (STS) asked for the “Restart” window.

Step 10: Goto Right corner of the Eclipse IDE, click on “Open Perspective” then choose “Scala”. Like the below snapshot.

After that will write programs in Scala (Functional Programming) including Java also.

Summary: The above-mentioned steps to add Scala plugin in Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or Spring Tool Suite in Ubuntu 16.04 for developers. Basically Scala is used for Functional programming language including the OOPS concept also. But here is less coding style with higher-order functions for developing code. For Spark need either Java or Scala in one environment we use this type setup. I think the Spring Tool Suite is the best choice because it is very fast and easier compared to Eclipse IDE.
Otherwise, download the Scala IDE from Scala official website for Ubuntu and then install it like Eclipse IDE. If you didn’t work for the above steps then uninstall Eclipse then again install it.

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