Daily usage Linux commands for Hadoop Admin in the Big Data environment Part -2 | Hadoop | Big Data

In this article, we will explore daily usage Linux commands part – 2  for Hadoop admin in the Big Data environment .

Daily Usage Hadoop Admin Commands:

su root

su root user is one of the most useful command in Hadoop environment. Basically this command not only for Hadoop for all Linux, AWS, Azure users as well. Here su means “super user”. For all admins needs to login with root user or server usernames only.

ssh <hostname>:

ssh means that secure shell, it is used for directly login from one node to another node with proper credentials. This command also daily useful for Hadoop Admins.

ls -ltrh:

List command is very useful for all users not only for Admins, everyone needs to list command. To see files availability, date, and size of the given directory.


I don’t know what is goin on the node. For example one of my senior executed some commands. I want those commands. How to check previous commands? by using “history” command in CLI.

history | grep “name”

Once you know the “history” command then you need to optimization the exact name of the file / folder for the unknown information.

vi notepad.txt

This command is very known and useful commad for Linux users and admins. If you need to create the new text file then use “vi” text editor and modify the text file also. But here we need to know two simple commands:

How to save the file after modification: ” ESC + wq!”
How to quit the file after modification: ” ESC + q!”.

In the Linux, AWS and Azure boxes lot of text editors commands like nano, touch command.

less notepad.txt

After known the “vi” command, “less command” is very simple to use. This command used for bottom of the text file. Once open the text file then how to quit from note pad using below command:
ESC + q

more notepad.txt

This command is same like “less” command. To see the text file from top of the file.

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