How to Remove Short Cut Virus on Windows 10

Remove Short Cut Virus on Windows 10

How to remove shortcut virus on windows 10 operating system. Nowadays we observing the most affected virus on Windows 10 is a Shortcut virus to hide the files. While putting USB into Windows 10 machine it showing like “Removable disk” below snapshot

Step 1:  To check the virus is there or not. If it is there then proceed with the below resolution steps.

Method 1:

In this method, we provide how to copy files from USB to Windows 10 with shortcut virus.

Step 1: In the search box, we enter .(dot) then it showing files

Then copy the required files from USB to Windows machine.

Method 2:

In this method, we provide how to removal complete viruses from USB and Windows 10 operating systems.

1. Open Windows menu and open command prompt with Run as Administrator.

2. After that open external drivers like USB then Connect to Your USB storage into a computer or PC.

3. In command prompt type below command:

attrib -h -r -s/s/d F:\*.*

Then separate files each and everyone below like this

4) After separation, each and every file then required file copy into your computer.  Then Delete Virus contain files:

After completion of the above steps then copy required files.

In Windows Operating System short cut Virus one of the malware to destroy files and system from external storage devices, like USB drives, external hardware drives, memory cards, etc.

This virus affects more on files stored on a USB but an infected drive to the entire computer run the software and a new folder will be created with all of your existing files in your computer or USB.

How to removal complete virus from USB and Windows 10

In Windows 10 operating system inbuilt security anti-virus tools like  Mircosoft essential or Windows Defender to protect the machines. First, we need to scan the entire system using a “Full scan” to detect the malware. For USB using a “USB scan” to detect the virus. Once the virus is detected then remove and delete permanently.

4 Replies to “How to Remove Short Cut Virus on Windows 10”

  1. Here you mentioned Removing Short Cut Virus on Windows, but the process removes virus only from USB.
    Do you have any update removing this virus totally from windows?
    It has ruined my network ?

  2. I have installed “Avast Antivirus” and “USB disk security” software. That deletes the shortcut virus as soon as i connect pen drive to PC.
    After that open any folder, go to organize, folder and search option, view, then check ” show hidden files” also uncheck “Hide protected operating system files”
    This process show me hidden files in USB drive.

  3. For Windows 7 use Micro Essential AntiVirus to remove shortcut virus after scan entire File System
    For Windows 8/10 use Windows Defender AntiVirus to remove shortcut virus

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