Most frequently asked Interview questions for experienced

In this era  in between 2-8 years experienced persons interviewer asked this type of questions in interview panel related to Big data and analytics and specially in Hadoop eco-system.
Mostly on Hands on experience in Hadoop and related to Project.

1. what properties you changed in Hadoop configuration files for your project?
Can you explain about your project related
2. where do you know Name Node and Datanode directory paths?
3. How do you handle incremental load in your project?
By using SQOOP incremental
4. can you do dynamic hive partitions through Sqoop?
Yes, dynamic partitions hive through SQOOP.
5. in which scenarios will we use Parquet and Avro?
It is based upon client and can you explore on it.
6. how do you handle Authentication and Authorization in your project?
Can you explain whether using Kerbreos and AD/LDAP. It is purely depends upon your project related.
7. How to Handle if Spark all jobs are failed?
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