Healing and boosting your character in PUBG.

Healing and boosting your character in PUBG.

Each character in Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds starts with an equivalent number of health points and therefore the same damage resistance. Items found on the map, like helmets or body armor, can increase the sturdiness of the character. Despite this, your character isn’t immortal. due to that, you ought to also find out how to use healing items. This page of our guide to PUBG contains recommendations on healing wounds with and strengthening of character.
Each character within the game starts with 100 points of (or 100%) health. During the sport, every player is certain to require greater, or lesser, damage (or die immediately from a gunshot wound), which decreases the health bar. Obviously, reaching 0 HP (0%) ends within the player’s death, when he’s returned to the most menu. this needs you to heal your wounds on a daily basis and keep your character alive for as long as possible.

You can use various healing items and boosters to achieve this. within the game, there are 6 such items – 3 healing and three boosters.
These are:

Bandage –  regenerate 10 HP within 3 seconds, they require 4.5 seconds to administer. Bandages can replenish up to 75 HP, they can’t be used afterward.

First Aid Kit –  replenishes the character’s HP up to the extent of 75, requires 6 seconds to administer. a bit like bandages, they can’t heal beyond the extent of 75 HP.

Medkit – after 8 it requires to administer, it replenishes HP to the utmost possible level (100), no matter the number of points before administering.

Energy Drink – a booster, which provides 40 boost points health. because of this, your health regenerates slowly over time and it can heal the maximum amount of HP.

Painkillers – an upgraded version of the above, which provides 60 boost points health. aside from replenishing health, it also can provide a little bonus to hurry of movement.

Adrenaline Syringe – an adrenaline shot that gives 100 boost points and fills up the whole boost bar. because of this, the character regenerates health and receives a bonus to hurry up movement.

As you’ll see, each of the things provides a special value, which is why they’re best utilized in different situations to realize the best effects. Keep subsequent in mind, while using the said items:

⦁ If your character has taken damage and there’s no enemy around that might jump you, use bandages to heal. This takes longer but will prevent another, stronger items.
⦁ If you need immediate healing, use care Kit or Medkit for immediate replenishment of 75 or 100 HP, respectively, without the need to use several bandages. This comes in handy, once you cannot spare time for lengthy healing – while under enemy fire, or when the blue zone is on your back.
⦁ If your character has 40-50 HP, there’s no point in using anything than bandages – the effectiveness of care Kit is going to be wasted (because it’ll only heal 25 HP, measly 15 quite within the case of bandages) and it’s better to save lots of Medkit for pressing situations when your HP drops to a critical level (around 20).
⦁ Use boosters after you heal your character with bandages and care Kit – because of this you’ll regenerate 75 HP to the complete amount quickly.
⦁ In the final minutes of the sport, when there are few players left (10-15) and therefore the battlefield has shrunk considerably, attempts to retain the boost effect with boosters. this may ensure constant regeneration of health to your character and, if the boost bar exceeds 60%, it also provides a little bonus to hurry of movement.